Monday 24th - Sunday 30th June
A selection of Sara's original Mixed Media and Watercolour paintings are shown below.
Originals from £150.00 - £250.00
Prints from £40.00 - £75.00
Cards £2.50 each or five for £10.00

" I paint mainly in Watercolour and Mixed Media, the natural world providing constant inspiration for my work. Animals, birds, flowers and coastal themes are my favourite subjects, my studio is filled with pebbles, seashells, feathers and all kinds of natural objects which find their way into my artwork.
I especially love to experiment with mixed media and often my paintings include acrylic, ink, gouache, pencil crayon, sand and even polyfilla! ( this gives a wonderful texture to barnacles on a shell).
Art is for me an obsession, my therapy and an escape from a chaotic world. I cannot imagine life without it.
I always have a selection of framed original paintings for sale as well as Limited Edition Prints and Greetings Cards.
I teach Watercolour Painting Courses and Workshops throughout the year in my studio and garden as well as at venues across Norfolk."